First World War - Despatches


Soldier at rest

Source: Second Supplement to the London Gazette, 28942/page 8340
[This October 1914 Gazette Issue covered two reports dated 17th September & 8th October (below)] War Office, 18 October, 1914.
THE following despatch has been received by the Secretary of State for War from the Field-Marshal Commanding-in-Chief, British Forces in the Field :—

8th October, 1914 My LORD,- I have the honour to report the operations in which the British Forces in France have been engaged since the evening of the 10th September.

1. In the early morning of the 11th the further pursuit of the enemy was commenced; and the three Corps crossed the Ourcq practically unopposed, the Cavalry reaching the line of the Aisne River; the 3rd and 5th Brigades south of Soissons, the 1st, 2nd and 4th on the high ground at Couvrelles and Cerseuil.

On the afternoon of the 12th from the opposition encountered by the 6th French Army to the west of Soissons, by the 3rd Corps south-east of that place, by the 2nd Corps south of Missy and Vailly, and certain indications all along the line, I formed the opinion that the enemy had, for the moment at any rate, arrested his retreat and was preparing to dispute the passage of the Aisne with some vigour.

South of Soissons the Germans were holding Mont de Paris against the attack of the right of the French 6th Army when the 3rd Corps reached the neighbourhood of Buzancy, south-east of that place. With the assistance of the Artillery of the 3rd Corps the French drove them back across the river at Soissons, where they destroyed the bridges.

The heavy artillery fire which was visible for several miles in a westerly direction in the valley of the Aisne showed that the 6th French. Army was meeting with strong opposition all along the line.

On this day, the Cavalry under General Allenby reached the neighbourhood of Brains and did good work in clearing the town and the high ground beyond it of strong hostile detachments. The Queen's Bays are particularly mentioned by the General as having assisted greatly in the success of this operation. They were well supported by the 3rd Division, which on this night bivouacked at Brenelle, south of the river.

The 5th Division approached Missy, but were unable to make headway.

The 1st Army Corps reached the neighbourhood of Vauxcéré without much opposition.

In this manner the Battle of the Aisne commenced.

2. The Aisne Valley runs generally East and West, and consists of a flat-bottomed depression of width varying from half a mile to two miles, down which the river follows a winding course to the West at some points near the southern slopes of the valley and at others. near the northern. The high ground both on the north and south of the river is approximately 400 feet above the bottom of the valley and is very similar in character, as are both slopes of the valley itself, which are broken: into numerous rounded spurs and re-entrants.

The most prominent of the former are the Chivre spur on the right bank and Sermoise spur on the left. Near the latter place the general plateau on the south is divided by a subsidiary valley of much the same character, down which the small River Vesle flows to the. main stream near Sermoise. The slopes of the plateau overlooking the Aisne on the north and south are of varying steepness, and are covered with numerous patches of wood, which also stretch upwards and backwards over the edge on to the top of the high ground. There are several villages and small towns dotted about in the valley itself and along its sides, the chief of which is the town of Soissons.

The Aisne is a sluggish stream of some 170 feet in breadth, but, being 15 feet deep in the centre, it is unfordable between Soissons on the west and Villers on the east (the part of the river attacked and secured by the British Forces) there are eleven road bridges across it.

On the north bank a narrow-gauge railway runs from Soissons to Vailly, where it crosses the river and continues eastward along the south bank. From Soissons to Sermoise a double line of railway runs along the south bank, turning at the latter place up the Vesle Valley towards Bazoches.

The position held by the enemy is a very strong one, either for a. delaying action or for a defensive battle. One of its chief military-characteristics is that from the high ground on neither side can the top of the plateau on the other side be seen except for small stretches. This is chiefly due to the woods on the edges of' the slopes. Another important point is that all the bridges are under either direct or high-angle artillery fire.

The tract of country above described, which lies north of the Aisne, is well adapted to concealment, and was so skilfully turned to account by the enemy as to render it impossible to judge the real nature of his opposition to our passage of the river, or to accurately gauge his strength; but I have every reason to conclude that strong rearguards of at least three army corps were holding the passages on the early morning of the 13th.

3. On that morning [13th September] I ordered the British Forces to advance and make good the Aisne. The 1st Corps and the Cavalry advanced on the river. The 1st Division was directed on Chanouille via the canal bridge at Bourg, and the 2nd Division on Courtecon and Presles via Pont-Arcy and on the canal to the north of Braye via Chavonne. On the right the Cavalry and 1st Division met with slight opposition, and found a passage by means of the canal which crosses the river by an aqueduct. The Division was therefore able to press on, supported by the Cavalry Division on its outer flank, driving back the enemy in front of it.

On the left the leading troops of the 2nd Division reached the river by 9 o'clock. The 5th Infantry Brigade were only enabled to cross, in single file and under considerable shell fire, by means of the broken girder of the bridge which was not entirely submerged in - the river. The construction of a pontoon bridge was at once undertaken, and was completed by 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

On the extreme left the 4th Guards Brigade met with severe opposition at Chavonne, and it was only late in the afternoon that it was able to establish a foothold on the northern -hank of the river by ferrying one battalion across in boats.

By nightfall the 1st Division occupied the area Moulins-Paissy-Geny, with posts in the village of Vendresse.

The 2nd Division bivouacked as a whole on the southern bank of the river, leaving only the 5th Brigade on the north bank to establish a bridge head.
The Second Corps found all the bridges in front of them destroyed, except that of Condé, which was in possession of the enemy, and remained so until the end of the battle.

In the approach to Missy, where the 5th - Division eventually crossed, there is some open ground which was swept by heavy fire from the opposite bank. The 13th Brigade was, therefore, unable to advance; but the 14th, which was directed to the east of Venizel at a less exposed point, was rafted across, and by night established itself with its left at St. Marguérite. They were followed by the 15th Brigade; and later on both the 14th and 15th supported the 4th Division on their left in repelling a heavy counter-attack on the Third Corps.

On the morning of the 13th the Third Corps found the enemy had established himself in -strength on the Vregny Plateau. The road bridge at Venizel was repaired during the morning, and a reconnaissance was made with .a view to throwing a pontoon bridge at Soissons.

The 12th Infantry Brigade crossed at Venizel, and was assembled at Bucy Le Long by 1 p.m., but the bridge was so far damaged that artillery could only be man-handled across it. Meanwhile the construction of a bridge was commenced close to the road bridge at Venizel.

At 2 p.m. the 12th Infantry Brigade attacked in the direction of Chivres and Vregny with the object of securing the high ground east of Chivres, as a necessary preliminary to a further advance northwards. This attack made good progress, but at 5.30 p.m. the enemy's artillery and machine-gun fire from the direction of Vregny became so severe that no further advance could be made. The positions reached were held till dark.

The pontoon bridge at Venizel was completed at 5.30 p.m., when the 10th Infantry Brigade crossed the river and moved to Bucy Le Long.
The 19th Infantry Brigade moved to Billy Sur Aisne, and before dark all the artillery of the Division had crossed the river, with the exception of the Heavy Battery and one Brigade of Field Artillery.

During the night the positions gained by the 12th Infantry Brigade to the east of the stream running through Chivres were handed over to the 5th Division.

The section of the Bridging Train allotted to the Third Corps began to arrive in the neighbourhood of Soissons late in the afternoon, when an attempt to throw a heavy pontoon bridge at Soissons had to be abandoned, owing to the fire of the enemy's heavy howitzers.

In the evening the enemy retired at all points and entrenched himself on the high' ground about two miles north of the river along which runs the Chemin-des-Dames. Detachments of Infantry, however, strongly entrenched in commanding points down slopes of the various spurs, were left in front of all three corps with powerful artillery in support of them.

During the night of the 13th and on the 14th and following days the Field Companies were incessantly at work night and day. Eight pontoon bridges and one foot bridge were thrown across the river under generally very heavy artillery fire, which was incessantly kept up on to most of the crossings after completion. Three of the road bridges, i.e., Venizel, Missy and Vailly, and the railway bridge east of Veiny were temporarily repaired so as to take foot traffic and the Villers Bridge made fit to carry weights up to six tons.

Preparations were also made for the repair of the Missy, Vailly and Bourg Bridges so as to take mechanical transport.

The weather was very wet and added to the difficulties by cutting up the already indifferent approaches, entailing a large amount of work to repair and improve.

The operations of the Field Companies during this most trying time are worthy of the best traditions of the Royal Engineers.

4. On the evening of the 14th it was still impossible to decide whether the enemy was only making a temporary halt, covered by rearguards, or whether he intended to stand and defend the position.

With a view to clearing up the situation, I ordered a general advance.

The action of the First Corps on this day under the direction and command of Sir Douglas Haig was of so skilful, bold and decisive a character that he gained positions which alone have enabled me to maintain my position for more than three weeks of very severe fighting on the north bank of the river.
The Corps was directed to cross the line Moulins--Moussy by 7 a.m.

On the right the General Officer Commanding the 1st Division directed the 2nd Infantry Brigade (which was in billets and bivouacked about Moulins), and the 25th Artillery Brigade (less one battery), under General Bulfin, to move forward before daybreak, in order to protect the advance of the Division sent up the valley to Vendresse. An officers' patrol sent out by this Brigade reported a considerable force of the enemy near the factory north of Troyon, and the Brigadier accordingly directed two regiments (the King's Royal Rifles and the Royal Sussex Regiment) to move at 3 a.m.

The Northamptonshire Regiment was ordered to move at 4 a.m. to occupy the spur east of Troyon. The remaining regiment of the Brigade (the Loyal North Lancashire Regiment) moved at 5.30 a.m. to the village of Vendresse. The factory was found to be held in considerable strength by the enemy, and the Brigadier ordered the Loyal North Lancashire Regiment to support the King's Royal Rifles and the Sussex Regiment. Even with this support the force was unable to make headway, and on the arrival of the 1st Brigade the Coldstream Guards were moved up to support the right of the leading Brigade (the 2nd), while the remainder of the 1st Brigade supported its left.

About noon the situation was, roughly, that the whole of these two brigades were extended along a line running east and west, north of the line Troyon and south of the Chemin-des¬Dames. A party of the Loyal North Lancashire Regiment had seized and were holding the factory. The enemy held a line of entrenchments north and east of the factory in considerable strength, and every effort to advance against this line was driven back by heavy shell and machine-gun fire. The morning was wet and a heavy mist hung over the hills, so that the 25th Artillery Brigade and the Divisional Artillery were unable to render effective support to the advanced troops until about 9 o'clock.

By 10 o'clock the 3rd Infantry Brigade had reached a point one mile south of Vendresse, and from there it was ordered to continue the line of the 1st Brigade and to connect with and help the right of the 2nd Division. A strong hostile column was found to be advancing, and by a vigorous counter stroke with two of his battalions the Brigadier checked the advance of this column and relieved the pressure on the 2nd Division. From this period until late in the afternoon the fighting consisted of a series of attacks and counter-attacks. The counter strokes by the enemy were delivered at first with great vigour, but later on they decreased in strength, and all were driven off with heavy loss.

On the left the 6th Infantry Brigade had been ordered to cross the river and to pass through the line held during the preceding night by the 5th Infantry Brigade and occupy the Courtecon Ridge, whilst a detached force, consisting of the 4th Guards Brigade and the 36th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, under Brigadier-General Perceval, were ordered to proceed to a point east of the village of Ostel.

The 6th Infantry Brigade crossed the river at Pont-Arcy, moved up the valley towards Braye, and at 9 a.m. had reached the line Tilleul - La Buvelle. On this line they came under heavy artillery and rifle fire, and were unable to advance until supported by the 34th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, and the 44th Howitzer Brigade and the Heavy Artillery.

The 4th Guards Brigade crossed the river at 10 a.m. and met with very heavy opposition. It had to pass through dense woods; field artillery support was difficult to obtain; but one section of a field battery pushed up to and within the firing line. At 1 p.m. the left of the Brigade was south of the Ostel Ridge.

At this period of the action the enemy obtained a footing between the First and Second Corps, and threatened to cut the communications of the latter.
Sir Douglas Haig was very hardly pressed and had no reserve in hand. I placed the Cavalry Division at his disposal, part of which he skilfully used to prolong and secure the left flank of the Guards Brigade. Some heavy fighting ensued, which resulted in the enemy being driven back with heavy loss.

About 4 o'clock the weakening of the counter attacks by the enemy and other indications tended to show that his resistance was decreasing, and a general advance was ordered by the Army Corps Commander. Although meeting with considerable opposition and coming under very heavy artillery and rifle fire, the position of the corps at .the end of the day's operations extended from the Chemin-des-Dames on the right, through Chivy, to Le Cour de Soupir, with the 1st Cavalry Brigade extending to the Chavonne Soissons road.

On the right the corps was in close touch with the French Moroccan troops of the 18th Corps, which were entrenched in échelon to its right rear. During the night they entrenched this position.

Throughout the Battle of the Aisne this advanced and commanding position was maintained, and I cannot speak too highly of the valuable services rendered by Sir Douglas Haig and the Army Corps under his command.

Day after day and night after night the enemy's infantry has been hurled against him in violent counter attack which has never on any one occasion succeeded, whilst the trenches all over his position have been under continuous heavy artillery fire.

The operations of the First Corps on this day resulted in the capture of several hundred prisoners, some field pieces, and machine guns. The casualties were very severe, one brigade alone losing three of its four Colonels.

The 3rd Division commenced a further advance and had nearly reached the plateau of Aizy when they were driven back by a powerful counter attack supported by heavy artillery. The division, however, fell back in the best order, and finally entrenched itself about a mile north of Vailly Bridge, effectively covering the passage.

The 4th and 5th Divisions were unable to do more than maintain their ground.

5. On the morning of the 15th, after close examination of the position, it became clear to me that the enemy was making a determined stand; and this view was confirmed by reports which reached me from the French Armies fighting on my right and left, which clearly showed that a strongly entrenched line of defence was being taken up from the north of Compiègne, eastward and south-eastward, along the whole valley of the Aisne up to and beyond Reims.

A few days previously the Fortress of Maubeuge fell, and a considerable quantity of siege artillery was brought down from that place to strengthen the enemy's position in front of us. During the 15th shells fell in our position which have been judged by experts to be thrown by eight-inch siege guns with a range of 10,000 yards. Throughout the whole course of the battle our troops have suffered very heavily from this fire, although its effect latterly was largely mitigated by more efficient and thorough entrenching, the necessity for which I impressed strongly upon Army Corps Commanders. In order to assist them in this work all villages within the area of our occupation were searched for heavy entrenching tools, a large number of which were collected.

In view of the peculiar formation of the ground on the north side of the river between Missy and Soissons, and its extraordinary adaptability to a force on the defensive, the 5th Division found it impossible to maintain its position on the southern edge of the Chivres Plateau, as the enemy in possession of the village of Vregny to the west was able to bring a flank fire to bear upon it. The Division had, therefore, to retire to a line the left of which was at the village of Marguerite, and thence ran by the north edge of Missy back to the river to the east of that place.

With great skill and tenacity Sir Charles Fergusson maintained this position throughout the whole battle, although his trenches were necessarily on lower ground than that occupied by the enemy on the southern edge of the plateau, which was only 400 yards away.

General Hamilton with the 3rd Division vigorously attacked to the north, and regained all the ground he had lost on the 15th, which throughout the battle has formed a. most powerful and effective bridge head.

6. On the 16th the 6th Division came up into line. It had been my intention to direct the First Corps to attack and seize the enemy's position on the Chemin-des-Dames, supporting it with this new reinforcement. I hoped from the position thus gained to bring effective fire to bear across the front of the 3rd Division which, by securing the advance of the latter, would also take the pressure off 'the 5th Division and the Third Corps.

But any further advance of the First Corps would have dangerously exposed my right flank. And, further, I learned from the French Commander-in-Chief that he was strongly reinforcing the 6th French Army on my left, with the intention of bringing up the Allied left to attack the enemy's flank and thus compel his retirement. I therefore sent 'the 6th Division to join the Third Corps with orders to keep it, on the south side of the river, as it might be available in general reserve.

On the 17th, 18th and 19th the whole of our line was heavily bombarded, and the First Corps was constantly and heavily engaged. On the afternoon of the 17th the right flank of the 1st Division was seriously threatened. A counter attack was made by the Northamptonshire Regiment in combination with the Queen's, and one battalion of the Divisional Reserve was moved up in support. The Northamptonshire Regiment, under cover of mist, crept up to within a hundred yards of the enemy's trenches and charged with the bayonet, driving them out of the trenches and up the hill. A very strong force of hostile infantry was then disclosed on the crest line. This new line was enfiladed by part of the Queen's and the King's Royal Rifles, which wheeled to their left on the extreme right of our infantry line, and were supported by a squadron of cavalry on their outer flank. The enemy's attack was ultimately driven back with heavy loss.

On the 18th, during the night, the Gloucestershire Regiment advanced from their position near Chivy, filled in the enemy's trenches and captured two maxim guns.

On the extreme right the Queen's were heavily attacked, but the enemy was repulsed with great loss. About midnight the attack was renewed on the First Division, supported by artillery fire, but was again repulsed.

Shortly after midnight an attack was made on the left of the 2nd Division with considerable force, which was also thrown back.

At about 1p.m. on the 19th the 2nd Division drove back a heavy infantry attack strongly supported by artillery fire. At dusk the attack was renewed and again repulsed.

On the 18th I discussed with the General Officer Commanding the Second Army Corps and his Divisional Commanders the possibility of driving the enemy out of Condé, which lay between his two Divisions, and seizing the bridge which has remained throughout in his possession.

As, however, I found that the bridge was closely commanded from all points on the south side and that satisfactory arrangements were made to prevent any issue from it by the enemy by day or night, I decided that it was not necessary to incur the losses which an attack would entail, as, in view of the position of the Second and Third Corps, the enemy could make no use of Condé, and would be automatically forced out of it by any advance which might become possible for us.

7. On this day [18th September] information reached me from General Joffre that he had found it and to make a new plan, and to attack and envelop the German right flank.

It was now evident to me that the battle in which we had been engaged since the 12th instant must last some days longer until the effect of this new flank movement could be felt and a way opened to drive the enemy from his positions.

It thus became essential to establish some system of regular relief in the trenches, and I have used the infantry of the 6th Division for this purpose with good results. The relieved brigades were brought back alternately south of the river, and, with the artillery of the 6th Division, formed a general reserve on which I could rely in case of necessity.

The Cavalry has rendered most efficient and ready help in the trenches, and have done all they possibly could to lighten the arduous and trying task which has of necessity fallen to the lot of the Infantry.

On the evening of the 19th and throughout the 20th the enemy again commenced to show considerable activity. On the former night a severe counter-attack on the 3rd Division was repulsed with considerable loss, and from early on Sunday morning various hostile attempts were made on the trenches of the 1st Division. During the day the enemy suffered another severe repulse in front of the 2nd Division, losing heavily in the attempt. In the course of the afternoon the enemy made desperate attempts against the trenches all along the front of the First Corps, but with similar results.

After dark the enemy again attacked the 2nd Division, only to be again driven back.

Our losses on these two days were considerable, but the number, as obtained, of the enemy's killed and wounded vastly exceeded them.

As the troops of the First Army Corps were much exhausted by this continual fighting, I reinforced Sir Douglas Haig with a brigade from the reserve, and called upon the 1st Cavalry Division to assist them.

On the night of the 21st another violent counter-attack was repulsed by the 3rd Division, the enemy losing heavily.

On the 23rd the four six-inch howitzer batteries, which I had asked to be sent from home, arrived. Two batteries were handed over to the Second Corps and two to the First Corps. They were brought into action on the 24th with very good results.

Our experiences in this campaign seem to point to the employment of more heavy guns of a larger calibre in great battles which last for several days, during which time powerful entrenching work on both sides can be carried out.

These batteries, were used with considerable effect on the 24th and the following days.

8. On the 23rd the action of General de Castelnau's Army on the Allied left developed considerably, and apparently withdrew considerable forces of the enemy away from the centre and east. I am not aware whether it was due to this cause or nob, but until the 26th it appeared as though the enemy's opposition in our front was weakening. On -that day, however, a very marked renewal of activity commenced. A constant and vigorous artillery bombardment was maintained all day, and the Germans in front of the 1st Division were observed to be "sapping" up to our lines and trying to establish new trenches. Renewed counter-attacks were delivered and beaten off during the course of the day, and in the afternoon a well-timed attack by the 1st Division stopped the enemy's entrenching work.

During the night of 27th-28th the enemy again made the most determined attempts to capture the trenches of the 1st Division, but without the slightest success.

Similar attacks were reported during these three days all along the line of the Allied front, and it is certain that the enemy then made one last great effort to establish ascendancy. He was, however, unsuccessful everywhere, and is reported to have suffered heavy losses. The same futile attempts were made all along our front up to the evening of the 28th, when they died away, and have not since been renewed.

On former occasions I have brought to your Lordship's notice the valuable services performed during this campaign by the Royal Artillery.

Throughout the Battle of the Aisne they have displayed the same skill, endurance and tenacity, and I deeply appreciate the work they have done.

Sir David Henderson and the Royal Flying Corps under his command have again proved their .incalculable value. Great strides have been made in the development of the use of aircraft in the tactical sphere by establishing effective communication between aircraft and units in action.

It is difficult to describe adequately and accurately the great strain to which officers and men were subjected almost every hour of the day and night throughout this battle.

I have described above the severe character of the artillery fire which was directed from morning till night, not only upon the trenches, but over the whole surface of the ground occupied by our Forces. It was not until a few days before the position was evacuated that the heavy guns were removed and the fire slackened. Attack and counter-attack occurred at all hours of the night and day throughout the whole position, demanding extreme vigilance, and permitting only a minimum of rest.

The fact that between the 12th September to the date of this despatch the total numbers of killed, wounded and missing reached the figures amounting to 561 officers, 12;980 men, proves the severity of the struggle.

The tax on the endurance of the troops was further increased by the heavy rain and cold which prevailed for some ten or twelve days of this trying time.

The Battle of the Aisne has once more demonstrated the splendid spirit, gallantry and devotion which animates the officers and men of His Majesty's Forces.

With reference to the last paragraph of my despatch of September 7th, I append the names of officers, non-commissioned officers and men brought forward for special mention by Army Corps commanders and heads of departments for services rendered from the commencement of the campaign up to the present date.

I entirely agree with these recommendations and beg to submit them for your Lordship's consideration.

I further wish to bring forward the names of the following officers who have rendered valuable service:- General Sir Horace Smith-Dorrien and Lieutenant-General Sir Douglas Haig (commanding First and Second Corps respectively) I have already mentioned in the present and former despatches for particularly marked and distinguished service in critical situations.

Since the commencement of the campaign they have carried out all my orders and instructions with the utmost ability.

Lieutenant-General W. P. Pulteney took over the command of the Third Corps just before the commencement of the Battle of the Marne. Throughout the subsequent operations he showed himself to be a most capable commander in the field and has rendered very valuable services.

Major-General E. H. H. Allenby and Major-General H. de la P. Gough have proved themselves to be Cavalry leaders of a high order, and I am deeply indebted to them.

The undoubted moral superiority which our Cavalry has obtained over that of the enemy has been due to the skill with which they have turned to the best account the qualities inherent in the splendid troops they command.

In my despatch of 7th September I mentioned the name of Brigadier-General Sir David Henderson and his valuable work in command of the Royal Flying Corps; and I have once more to express my deep appreciation of the help he has since rendered me.

Lieutenant-General Sir Archibald Murray has continued to render me invaluable help as Chief of the Staff; and in his arduous and responsible duties he has been ably assisted by Major-General Henry Wilson, Sub-Chief Lieutenant-General Sir Nevil Macready and Lieutenant-General Sir William Robertson have continued to perform excellent service as Adjutant-General and Quartermaster-General respectively.

The Director of Army Signals, Lieutenant-Colonel J. S. Fowler, has materially assisted the operations by the skill and energy which he has displayed in the working of the important department over which he presides.

My Military Secretary, Brigadier-General the Hon. W. Lambton, has performed his arduous and difficult duties with much zeal and great efficiency.

I am anxious also to bring to your Lordship's notice the following names of officers of my Personal Staff, who throughout these arduous operations have shown untiring zeal and energy in the performance of their duties :-

Lieutenant-Colonel Stanley Barry.
Lieutenant-Colonel Lord Brooke.
Major Fitzgerald Watt.
Extra Aide-de-Camp.
Captain the Hon. F. E. Guest.
Private Secretary.
Lieutenant-Colonel Brindsley Fitzgerald.
Major His Royal Highness Prince Arthur of Connaught, K.G., joined my Staff as Aide-de-Camp on the 14th September.
His Royal Highness's intimate knowledge of languages enabled me to employ him with great advantage on confidential missions of some importance, and his services have proved of considerable value.

I cannot close this despatch without informing your Lordship of the valuable services rendered by the Chief of the French Military Mission at my Headquarters, Colonel Victor Huguet, of the French Artillery. He has displayed tact and judgment of a high order in many difficult situations, and has rendered conspicuous service to the Allied cause.

I have the honour to be, Your Lordship's most obedient Servant,
(Signed) J. D. P. FRENCH, Field-Marshal,
The British Army in the Field.

Battle of the Aisne



Amy, Captain A. C.
Atkins, Lieutenant-Colonel A. R. C.
Babington, Major M. H.
Barefoot, Lieutenant-Colonel J. H.
Bartholomew, Major W. H.
Beveridge, Lieutenant-Colonel W. W. O.,D.S.O.
Bird, Chaplain (1st Class) J. F.
Bourke, Major E. A.
Boyce, Colonel W. G. B., C.B.
Bradley, Chaplain (3rd Class) S.
Bunbury, Colonel V. T., C.B., D.S.O.
Burke, Major B. B.
Butler, Colonel E. R. C.
Carter, Colonel E. E., C.M.G., M.V.O.
Cavendish, Colonel A. E. J., C.M.G.
Childs Major (temporary Lieutenant-Colonel) B. E. W.
Clark, Lieutenant-Colonel S. F.
Cox, Captain E. W.
Cummins, Major S. L., M.D.
Davies, Captain W. E.
Dawkins, Colonel C. T., C.M.G.
Dawnay, Major Hon. H. D.S.O.
Deedes, Major C. P., D.S.O.
Evans, Major C.
Fell, Major M. H. G.
Ford, Lieutenant-Colonel R., D.S.O.
Forrest, Major J. V.
Fowke, Brigadier-General G. H.
Fowler, Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary Colonel) J. S., D.S.O.
Fox, Chaplain (4th Class) H. W.
Gallie, Major J. S.
Gilpin, Brigadier-General F. C. A., C.B.
Godfrey Faussett, Major (temporry Lieutenant-Colonel) E. G.
Goldsmith, Captain H. D.
Graham, Major-General E. R. C., C.B.
Gwynne, Chaplain (4th Class) L. H.
Hare, Major R. W., D.S.O.
Harper, Colonel G. M., D.S.O.
Henniker, Major A. M.
Jack, Major E. M.
Jebb, Major G. D., D.S.O.
Keatinge, Chaplain (1st Class) W.
King, Brigadier-General Sir C. W., Knt., M.V.O.
Lindsay, Major-General W. F. L., C.B.,D.S.O.
Loch, Lieutenant-Colonel Lord, M.V.O., D.S.O.
Lowe, Captain N.
Lynden-Bell, Colonel E. H. L.
Lyon, Major F.
McCarthy, Principal Matron Miss E. M.
Macdonogh, Colonel G. M. W.
MacNaught, Major J. G.
Macpherson, Chaplain (1st Class) E. G. F.
Mathews, Colonel C. M., C.B., D.S.O.
Moore, Major G. A.
Myles, Major C. D.
O'Donnell, Colonel T. J., D.S.O.
Otway, Captain A. L.
Parry-Jones, Chaplain (3rd Class) J. D. S.
Pegg, Chaplain (4th Class) W. H. F.
Percival, Captain (temporary Major) H. F. P., D.S.O.
Radcliffe, Major P. P. de B.
Rawson, Lieutenant G. G.
Russell, Lieutenant-Colonel J.J.
Shea, Lieutenant-Colonel J. S. M., D.S.O.
Smith, Brevet Colonel F., D.S.O.
Steel, Major E. B.
Symonds, Major F. A.
Tuckey, Chaplain (lst Class) J. G. W.
Turner, Major E. V.
Wake, Major H., D.S.O.
Wanless O'Gowan, Colonel R.
Waring, Major A. H.
Watkins, Chaplain (3rd Class), O.S.
Webb, Major A. L. A.
Webb, Major Lisle.
Woodhouse, Surgeon-General (temporary) T. P.
Woodroffe, Captain C. R.
Yeoman, Chaplain (3rd Class) A. R.

Annette, Private (6691) F.
Barsby, Private (5362) W. P.
Carter, Lance-Corporal (12283) W.
Cook, Serjeant (19032) J.
Deane, Private (19109) W. D.
Flaman, Private (19101) W.
Ginman, Private (4601) L. H.
Harland, Serjeant (19401) A. E
Hobbs, Lance-Serjeant (17250) A.
Jesson, Serjeant (15538) E. H.
Leighton, Serjeant-Major (16751) G.
McKay, Serjeant-Major (13856) R. J.
Main, First Class Staff-Serjeant J. T.
Price, Corporal (20102) W. R.
Rowland, Corporal (809) T.
Sadler, Serjeant (14337) G.
Sloane, Lance-Corporal (8292) J. W.
Taylor, Staff Serjeant-Major W.
Tripp, Serjeant (18657) V.
Willicot, Superintending Clerk G. F. W.

Acland Troyte, Captain C. J.
Allfrey, Captain H. I. It.
Anderson, Lieutenant-Colonel N. G., D.S.O.
Anley, Major B. D., D.S.O.
Anstey, Captain E. C.
Armstrong, Lieutenant W. M.
Baird, Captain H. D.
Baker, Major J.
Barrow, Lieutenant-Colonel G. de S.
Bartholomew, Captain A. W.
Bell-Irving, Lieutenant W. O.
Bingham, Brigadier-General Hon. C., C.V.O., C.B.
Blake, Captain W. A.
Bowly, Colonel W. A. T.
Boyd, Captain G. F., D.S.O. .
Boyle, Colonel It. C.
Briggs, Brigadier-General C. J., C.B.
Brind, Captain J. E. S.
Brooke, Captain C. F.
Brooks, Lieutenant W. T.
Bulfin, Brigadier-General E. S., C.V.O., C.B.
Burnett-Hitchcock, Captain 13. F.
Bush, Major H. S.
Butler, Major Hon. L. J. P.
Cameron, Lieutenant-Colonel A. R.
Cameron, Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel N. J. G.
Cawley, Major J. S. (dead).
Charteris, Captain J.
Chetwode, Brigadier-General Sir P., D.S.O.
Chopping, Major A.
Clarke, Major T. E.
Conway-Gordon, Lieutenant-Colonel G.
Cooke, Major B. H. H.
Corkran, Major C. E.
Cornwall, Lieutenant J. H. M.
Cory, Major G. N., D.S.O.
Cotgrave, Captain T. S.
Cree, Lieutenant-Colonel G.
Currie, Captain R. A. M.
Cuthbert, Brigadier-General G. 3., C.B.
Dalton, Lieutenant-Colonel C.
Daniell, Major F. E. L1.
Davidson, Major J. H., D.S.O.
Davies, Captain C. M.
Davies, Brigadier-General R. H., C.B.
Delano-Osborne, Captain O. H.
de Lisle, Brigadier-General H. B., C.B., D.S.O.
Dillon, Captain E. F. G., D.S.O.
Daran, Brigadier-General B. J. C., C.B.
Darling, Captain F. H.
Du Cane, Brigadier-General J. P., C.B.
Dunlop, Captain F. P.
Dunsterville, Colonel B.
Durand, Major H. M.
Dyer, Captain G N.
Edmonds, Colonel J. E., C.B.
Egerton, Lieutenant C. C.
Fanshawe, Colonel R., D.S.O.
Farmer, Major G. J.
Fergusson, Major-General Sir C., Bart., C.B., M.V.O., D.S.O.
ffrench Blake, Lieutenant St. J.
Fitzpatrick, Captain E. R.
Forestier-Walker, Brigadier-General G. T., A.D.C.
Frankland, Captain. T. N. C.
Gathorne-Hardy, Lieutenant-Colonel Hon. J. H.
Giffard, Lieutenant R.
Gilkison, Captain D. S. (killed).
Gill, Captain G. H.
Gleichen, Brigadier-General A. E. W., Count, K.C.V.O., C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O.
Glubb, Brigadier-General F. M., C.B., D.S.O.
Gordon, Major (Local Lieutenant-Colonel) A. F., D.S.O.
Gordon, Captain A. R. G.
Gordon, Colonel Hon. F.
Gort, Captain Viscount, M.V.O.
Gough, Brigadier-General J. E., C.M.G.
Graham, Lieutenant Lord D. M.
Baking, Brigadier-General R., C.B.
Haldane, Brigadier-General J. A. L., C.B., D.S.O.
Hambro, Major P. O.
Hamilton, Major-General H. I. W., C.V.O.,C.B., D.S.O.
Hamilton-Grace, Captain R. S.
Harter, Lieutenant J.
Headlam, Brigadier-General 3. G., C.B. D.S.O.
Hickie, Brigadier-General W. B., C.B.
Hickson, Colonel H. S., M.B.
Hildyard, Captain R. J. T.
Hinde, Major A.
Hobbs, Brigadier-General P. E. F., C.M.G.
Home, Lieutenant-Colonel A. J.
Hore-Ruthven, Major Hon. W. P., D.S.O.
Horne, Brigadier-General, H. S., C.B.
Howard, Captain H. C.
Howard-Vyse, Captain R. G.
Hunter-Weston, Brigadier-General A. G., C.B., D.S.O.
Hutchison, Major R.
Jackson, Captain and Adjutant L. C., C.M.G.
Jenkinson, Captain J. B. (killed).
Jeudwine, Colonel H. S.
Kearsley, Major R. H.
Landon, Brigadier-General H. J. S., C.B.
Lefroy, Captain B. P.
Leggett, Captain E. H. G.
Lomax, Major-General S. H.
Ludlow, Colonel E. R.
McCracken, Brigadier-General F. W. N., C.B., D.S.O.
Mackworth, Captain F. J. A.
Malcolm, Lieutenant-Colonel N., D.S.O.
Marker, Colonel R. J., D.S.O.
Maude, Colonel F. S., C.M.G.
Maurice, Lieutenant-Colonel F. B.
Maxwell-Scott, Captain W. J.
Milne, Brigadier-General G. F., C.B., D.S.O.
Monro, Major-General C. C., C.B.
Montgomery, Lieutenant-Colonel A. A.
Moulton-Barrett, Captain A. L.
Newbiggin, Major W. P., D.S.O.
Osborne, Captain R. H.
Oxley, Colonel R. S.
Paige, Lieutenant D.
Paley, Major G.
Palmer, Captain W. L.
Penrose, Lieutenant J.
Perceval, Lieutenant C. P. W.
Perceval, Brigadier-General E. M., D.S.O.
Percival, Major (temporary Lieutenant-Colonel) A. J. B., D.S.O.
Porter, Colonel R.
Price-Davies, Captain L. A. E., V.C., D.S.O. Ready, Major F. F., D.S.O.
Reid, Captain W. R.
Rice, Brigadier-General S. R., C.B.
Rolt, Brigadier-General S. P., C.B.
Romer, Lieutenant-Colonel C. F.
Ryan, Major E.
Rycroft, Colonel W. H., C.B.
Sargent, Colonel H. N. D.S.O.
Sawyer, Lieutenant-Colonel H. T.
Sawyer, Colonel R. H. S.
Schreiber, Lieutenant-Colonel A. L. D.S.O.
Scott-Kerr, Brigadier-General R., C.B., M.V.O., D.S.O.
Shaw, Brigadier-General F. C., C.B.
Smallman, Major A. B.
Snow, Major-General T. D. O., C.B.
Stevens, Captain R. W. M.
Stratton, Major F. C.
Street, Major H. E.
Studd, Major H. W., D.S.O.
Tailyour, Major G. H. F.
Tandy, Captain E. N.
Tapley, Captain J. J. B.
Taylor, Lieutenant-Colonel F. P. S.
Trench, Captain F. M. C.
Vaughan, Colonel J., D.S.O.
Weatherby, Captain J. T.
Weir, Major G. A. W.
West, Second Lieutenant.
Wethered, Captain J. R.
Willan, Lieutenant R. H.
Wilson, Brigadier-General H. F. M. C.B.
Wing, Brigadier-General F. D. V., M.,
Wroughton, Major J. B.
Young, Major J. M.

Joliffe, No. 781 Corporal, (temporary Serjeant) F. W.
Webster, No. S /15548 Staff Serjeant-Major S. J., Army Service Corps.


Lieutenant K. P. Atkinson, Royal Field Artillery.
Captain R. A. Boger, Royal Engineers. Lieutenant I. M. Bonham-Carter, Northumberland Fusiliers.
Captain V. J. D. Bourke, Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry.
Captain A. B. Burdett, York and Lancaster Regiment.
Brevet Major C. J. Burke, Royal Irish Regiment.
Lieutenant (temporary Captain) G. I. Carmichael, Royal Field Artillery.
Lieutenant A. Christie, Royal Field Artillery.
Lieutenant E. L. Conran, 2nd County of London Yeomanry.
Captain G. W. P. Dawes, Royal Berkshire Regiment.
Lieutenant L. Dawes, Middlesex Regiment.
Captain E. W. Furse, Royal Field Artillery.
Captain H. C. Jackson, Bedford Regiment.
Lieutenant P. B. Joubert de la Ferté, Royal Field Artillery.
Lieutenant D. S. Lewis, Royal Engineers.
Brevet Major C. A. H. Longcroft, Welsh Regiment.
Lieutenant Mapplebeck, Royal Flying Corps.
Lieutenant W. G. S. Mitchell, Highland Light Infantry.
Lieutenant M. W. Noel, Liverpool Regiment.
Lieutenant O. E. a. Rabagliati, Yorkshire Light Infantry.
Brevet Major G. R. Raleigh, Essex Regiment.
Brevet Major J. M. Salmond, Royal Lancashire Regiment.
Lieutenant R. G. D. Small, Leinster Regiment.
Lieutenant (temporary Captain) A. H. L. Soames, 3rd Hussars.
Second Lieutenant N. C. Spratt, Royal Flying Corps (S.R.).
Brevet-Major (temporary Lieutenant-Colonel) F. H. Sykes.
Captain F. F. Waldron, 19th Hussars. Second Lieutenant C. W. Wilson, Royal Flying Corps (S.R.).

No. 18, Flight-Serjeant C. Cullen; Royal Flying Corps.
No. 25, Flight-Serjeant H. Goodchild, Royal Flying Corps.
No. 30, Serjeant W. Jones, Royal Flying Corps.
No. 346, Serjeant M. Keegan, Royal Flying Corps.
No. 775, Corporal S. Kemp, Royal Flying Corps.
No. 808, Serjeant-Major E. J. Parker, Royal Flying Corps.
No. 3, Serjeant-Major J. Ramsay, Royal Flying Corps.
No. 816, Flight-Serjeant A. M. Saywood, Royal Flying Corps.
No. 151, Serjeant A. Wilson, Royal Flying Corps.

Household Cavalry.
Major Viscount Crichton, M.V.O., D.S.O., Royal Horse Guards.
Captain T. C. Gurney, 2nd Life Guards.
Lieutenant A. L. E. Smith, 1st Life Guards.
Lieutenant D. E. Wallace, 2nd Life Guards.
No. 1006 Corporal of Horse J. Jordon, Royal Horse Guards.
No. 2528 Corporal of Horse A. H. Wilkins, 2nd Life Guards.

2nd Dragoon Guards.
Lieutenant-Colonel H. W. Wilberforce.
Major G. H. A. Ing.
Captain E. S. Chance.
Lieutenant C. A. Heydeman.
Lieutenant A. J. Lamb, D.S.O.
No. 4439 Lance-Serjeant F. Webb.
No. 1639 Corporal G. Short.
No. 2721 Private J. Goodchild.
No. 2808 Private C. Horne.
No. 4418 Private F. W. Ellicock.

4th Dragoon Guards.
Lieutenant-Colonel R. L. Mullen.
Major G. T. M. Bridges, D.S.O. (now Lieutenant-Colonel).
Captain C. B. Hornby.
Lieutenant H. L. Jones, 13th Hussars (attached).
No. 4735 Squadron Serjeant-Major W. Sharpe.
No. 4787 Farrier Staff Serjeant W. Old.

No. 5371 Squadron Serjeant-Major F. Talbot.
No. 5293 Quartermaster-Serjeant C. Syzling.

5th Dragoon Guards.
Lieutenant-Colonel G. K. Ansell (dead).
Captain E. W. S. Balfour.
Lieutenant V. D. S. Williams.
No. 3354 Regimental Serjeant-Major C. Pooley (now Second Lieutenant).
No. 4180 Squadron Serjeant-Major W. Langford.
No. 38b5 Corporal J. Peach.
No. 3572 Serjeant F. Langford.

6th Dragoon Guards.
Major W. G. Home.
Captain M. N. Kennard.
Lieutenant R. M. Barnsley.
Lieutenant W. T. Gill.
No. 4530 Squadron Serjeant-Major F. J. Gilham.
No. 4802 Serjeant J. Higgins.
No. 5338 Lance-Corporal C. Griffiths.

2nd Dragoons.
Lieutenant-Colonel C. B. Bulkeley Johnson. Major A. Lawson.
Captain W. Long.
Captain W. Duguid-McCombie.
Lieutenant G. F. A. Pigot-Moodie.
Lieutenant J. G. Crabbe.
Second Lieutenant J. G. R. Cooper.
Second Lieutenant E. R. F. Compton.
Lieutenant and Quartermaster D. Coutts.
No. 4535 Squadron Serjeant-Major Currie.
No. Serjeant Cranston.
No. 6415 Corporal Clunie.
No. 5635 Private McKeish.

3rd Hussars.
Lieutenant-Colonel A. A. Kennedy.
Captain F. J. Du Pre.
Lieutenant G. F. Clarke.
No. 5910 Farrier Quartermaster-Serjeant J. Town.
No. 3812 Serjeant E. Thornhill.
No. 4296 Corporal E. Walker.
No. 4469 Lance-Corporal G. Davidson.
No. 4402 Saddler Corporal W. Townsend.

4th Hussars.
Major P. Howell.
Captain J. K. Gatacre, Indian Army (attached).
Lieutenant K. North.
Lieutenant R. Sherscon, Indian Army (attached).
Lieutenant L. H. Cripps (Special Reserve).
No. 4529 Squadron Serjeant-Major W. Dunsby (since granted a commission).
No. 4582 Squadron Serjeant-Major T. Pateman.
No. 4441 Serjeant T. Scotcher.
No. 1983 Serjeant F. Brown.
No 4462 Serjeant J. Alexander.
No. 5507 Serjeant A. Sparham.
No. 3333 Lance-Serjeant S. Scopes.
No. 8566 Corporal Win. Siddons.
No. 3754 Corporal P. Lonergan.
No. 6627 Corporal E. Robbins.
No. 1272 Corporal J. Lynch.
No. 5748 Corporal A. Page.
No. 8371 Corporal A. Laver.
No. 1252 Lance-Corporal W. Ashley.
No. 4735 Private W. Cooper.
No. 4411 Private F. Clark.
No. 6747 Private H. Long.
No. 4473 Private C. Turp.
No. 6619 Private D. Newbury.

5th Lancers.
Major J. B. Jardine, D.S.O.
Lieutenant B. W. Robinson.
Lieutenant Hon. H. C. Alexander.
Second Lieutenant W. H. Coulter.
Lieutenant T. De Burgh, Indian Army (attached).
Lieutenant Owen Gough, Indian Army (attached).
No. 5752 Serjeant C. Graham.
No. 4118 Corporal A. Davis.
No. 7130 Corporal R. Ware.
No. 6801 Corporal M. Shutt.
No. 5088 Lance-Corporal E. Wass.
No. 1914 Corporal D. G. Baker.
No. 5131 Corporal E. Grant.
No. 1961 Lance-Corporal G. Inch.
No. 2544 Lance-Corporal D. Mullock.
No. 7321 Serjeant F. D. Wyatt.

9th Lancers.
Lieutenant-Colonel D. G. M. Campbell.
Captain D. K. L. Lucas-Tooth (dead).
Captain F. O. Grenfell.
Captain L. Sadleir-Jackson.
Lieutenant R. L. Benson.
No. 4099 Squadron Serjeant-Major H.Durand.
No. 5001 Serjeant W. Turner.
No. 4997 Serjeant G. Davids.

11th Hussars.
Lieutenant Hon. C. Mulholland.
Lieutenant J. S. Ainsworth.
No. 4009 Squadron Serjeant-Major J. Gardner.
No. 4457 Squadron Serjeant-Major G. W. Joslin.
No. 9229 Farrier Staff Serjeant W. J. Jenkins.
No. 6365 Lance-Corporal A. H. Stevens.

12th Lancers.
Lieutenant-Colonel F. Wormald.
Major E. Crawley.
Major C. Fane D.S.O.
Captain and Adjutant C. E. Bryant.
Lieutenant D. C. H. Richardson.
Lieutenant H. A. Brand.
Lieutenant B. G. Nicholas.
No. 4893 Squadron Serjeant-Major C. Hart.
No. 4173 Squadron Serjeant-Major W. Lockyer.
No. 4583 Squadron Serjeant-Major R. E. Vine.
No. 1774 Private J. Townsend.
No. 4778 Serjeant S. Clarke.

15th Hussars.
Major F. C. Pilkington.
Captain Hon. W. A. Nugent.
Captain A. Courage.
Captain C. Nelson.
Lieutenant Hon. E. C. Hardinge.
Second Lieutenant G. H. Straker.
No. 4472 Serjeant F. Godden.
No. 4633 Serjeant H. J. Papworth.
No. 3586 Serjeant W. Blishen.
No. 3158 Lance-Serjeant A. J. Earle.
No. 5772 Corporal W. A. Mackay.
No. 8078 Corporal G. Sheppard.
No. 7311 Corporal W. Darley.
No. 7368 Corporal Garforth.
No. 728 Private F. Aspinall.
No. 9440 Private W. H. Price.
No. 3172 Private W. Pearce.

16th Lancers.
Major C. J. Eccles.
Major C. L. K. Campbell.
Captain: A. Neave.
Lieutenant E. H. L. Beddington.
Lieutenant E. R. Nash.
Lieutenant J. L. Cheyne.
Lieutenant R. A. J. Beech..
Lieutenant C. E. H. Tempest-Hicks.
Lieutenant D. R. Cross.
Lieutenant R. G. R. Davies.
Lieutenant J. L. Cheyne.
Second Lieutenant L. C. Ramsbottom Isherwood.
Second Lieutenant Lord Woodhouse (attached).
No. 4524 Squadron Serjeant-Major F. Pargeter.
No. 4271 Squadron Serjeant-Major H. C. Archer.
No. 5121 Serjeant W. Lindsay.
No. 302 Serjeant E. Laurence.
No. 2538 Corporal F. J. Pare.
No. 710 Corporal G. W. Cooper.
No. 2682 Lance-Serjeant A. Roberts.
No. 5487 Saddler Corporal D. Brown.
No. 1129 Lance-Corporal W. Jewkes.
No. 1481 Lance-Corporal G. Fuller.
No. 1256 Lance-Corporal J. H. Smith.
No. 1601 Lance-Corporal W. Holden.
No. 1869 Lance-Serjeant R. Carr.
No. 3228 Lance-Corporal W. F. Beaumont.

18th Hussars.
Lieutenant G. Gore-Langton.
No. 4732 Serjeant W. G. Burt.
No. 7460 Shoeing Smith M. Daly.

19th Hussars.
Major A. W. Parsons.

20th Hussars.
Lieutenant-Colonel G. T. G. Edwards.
Major A. C. Little.
Major M. E. Richardson.
Captain C. G. Mangles.
Lieutenant D. S. Peploe.
Lieutenant and Quartermaster W. Adams.
No. 1806 Serjeant J. L. Beavon.
No. 5277 Serjeant L. H. Halton.
No. 5660 Serjeant E. Clarke.
No. 5439 Corporal H. E. Poole.

Military Mounted Police.
No. 367 Serjeant H. Brooks.
No. 533 Serjeant F. Willis.

North Irish Horse.
Major A. W. J. C. Visct. Massereene and Ferrard, D.S.O.
Lieutenant R. A. West.

South Irish Horse.
Major I. W. Burns-Lindow.


Birch, Lieutenant-Colonel J. N.
Bradbury, Captain H. K. (dead).
Burne, Lieutenant A. H.
Campbell, Lieutenant J. D. (dead).
Dendy, Lieutenant M. H. Forman, Major A. B.
Gillson, Major G.
Gough, Lieutenant J. B.
Jelf, Captain W. W.
Mundy, Lieutenant L. H. (dead).
Palmer, Lieutenant R. L.
St. Clair, Lieutenant G. J. P.
Sanderson, Captain R. H.
Seligman, Major H. S.
Stanham, Captain H. S.
Walwyn, Lieutenant C. L. T. Arkinstall,
No. 24416, Corporal S. S. Carry,
No. 47904, Gunner J. B. Castle,
No. 6632, Serjeant A. Conic,
No. 67272, Driver A. Hodder,
No. 4321, Serjeant; E. Pitt,
No. 24212, Serjeant H. E.Saunders,
No. 63427, Gunner J. A. Smith,
No. 62362, Driver W. Walker.
Regimental Serjeant-Major R. Y. K. Wedlock,
No. 26358, Serjeant J.


Browne, Captain E. W.
Colville, Captain J. R. Granet, Lieutenant G. E. A.
Hockdale, Lieutenant-Colonel H. E.
Blackwell, No. 57336, Driver, 31st Battery.
Mills, No. 38149, Driver W., 88th Battery.
Neil, No. 36976, Driver, 88th Battery.
Rimington, No. 32459, Gunner L. R., 88th Battery.
Steel, No. 69567, Trumpeter E. T., 55th Battery.

8th Brigade,. Royal Field Artillery.
Lieutenant-Colonel E. J. Duffus.
Major F. A. Wilson, D.S.O.
Captain D. Reynolds. Lieutenant E. G. Earle.
No. 57806. Serjeant T. Brown.
No. 72163 Trumpeter F. Waldron.
No. 69960 Driver J. H. C. Drain.
No. 71787 Driver F. Luke.
No. 29454 Serjeant Bowers.
No. 69968. Gunner Garlick.
No. 69385 Gunner Baker.
No. 72534 Driver Treloar.
No. 39411 Driver Hall.
No. 60009 Driver Prior.
No. 58436 Gunner Fraser.
No. 37354 Gunner Turner.
No. 47843 Driver Robertson.

14th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.
Lieutenant-Colonel C. M. Ross-Johnson, D.S.O.
Lieutenant A. Dawson:
Battery Sergeant-Major W. Count.

15th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.
Lieutenant-Colonel C. F. Stevens.
Major C. N. B. Ballard.
Captain A. B. Higgon.
No. 39430 Farrier Quartermaster - Serjeant H. J. S. Watts.
No. 14427 Battery Quartermaster-Serjeant V. Hill.
No. 64753, Driver F. S. Brown.

23rd Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.
Lieutenant-Colonel A. T. Butler.
Major S. F. Metcalfe.
Captain E. S. Allsup.
Lieutenant E. L. B. Anderson.
Lieutenant D. Hill.
Lieutenant J. C. Forsyth.
No. 6757 Battery Serjeant-Major W. Keegan.
No. 16839 Battery Serjeant-Major W. H. Solman.
No. 19346 Battery Quartermaster-Serjeant G. Peck.
No. 5492 Battery Quartermaster-Serjeant J. Smith.
No. 2978 Battery Quartermaster-Serjeant B. W. Rogers.
No. 1576 Farrier Quartermaster-Serjeant E. Rivett.
No. 24514 Serjeant A. L. Perry.
No. 59593 Corporal A. Johnson.
No. 47318 Corporal G. Norman.

25th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.
Lieutenant-Colonel W. Gillman.
Major W. Ellershaw.
Lieutenant G. E. W. Franklin.
No. 8757 Battery Serjeant-Major A. Stroudley.
No. 63684 Trumpeter A. C. Cockaday.
No. 13571 Serjeant H. Squelch.
No. 37020 Corporal S. S. (now Farrier-Serjeant) T. Kendall.
No. 18937 Farrier-Serjeant T. Harrison.

26th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.
Lieutenant-Colonel C. Cunliffe-Owen.
Major G. H. W. Nicholson.
Major H. N. Packard.
Captain T. C. Sinclair.
No. 31713 Gunner W. J. Franklin.
No. 37244 Battery Quartermaster - Serjeant Booth.
No: 40554 Serjeant W. Williams.
No. 4008 Battery Quartermaster-Serjeant G. Oakes.

27th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.
Lieutenant-Colonel W. H. Onslow.
Major N. W. Alexander.
Captain G. Masters.
Captain F. F. Congreve.
Lieutenant C. O. D. Preston.
Second Lieutenant H. E. Chapman.
Lieutenant L. E. O. Davidson.
Second Lieutenant R. Staveley.
No. 28486 Battery Quartermaster-Serjeant A. Board.
No. 64895 Bombardier F. Holton.
No. 72209 Driver E. Street.
No. 72451 Driver C. Burkitt.

28th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.
Lieutenant-Colonel E. C. Cameron.
Major G. H. Sanders.
Captain A. G. Gillman.
Lieutenant A. R. Rainy.
Second Lieutenant R. W. McLeod.
No. 15931 Serjeant W. J. Carnegie.

29th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.

Major H. G. Lloyd.
Serjeant Sullivan, 127th Battery.

30th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery (Howitzer).
Lieutenant-Colonel W. C. Staveley.
Major L. T. Ashworth.
Captain A. E. Newland.
Captain H. K. Sadler.
No. 14864 Battery Serjeant-Major A. Hall.
No. 17439 Battery Serjeant-Major A. J. Owen.
No. 14737 Battery Quartermaster-Serjeant F. C. Maskell.
No. 17375 Battery Quartermaster-Serjeant J. J. Bourne.
No. 2826 Battery Quartermaster-Serjeant E.W. Clarke.
No. 11158 Staff Sergeant Farrier A. R. Benbrook.
No. 31189 Serjeant A. G. Cooney.
No. 41590 Corporal H. W. Stubbs.
No. 41526 Corporal W. Theobald.
No. 31855 Bombardier R. J. Fuller.

32nd Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.
Lieutenant-Colonel M. J. MacCarthy.
Major H. E. Vallentin, D.S.O.
Major C. H. Liveing
Captain C. A. Mortimore.
Second Lieutenant C. H. Rogers.
Battery Quartermaster-Serjeant Kerr.
Saddler Quartermaster-Serjeant Alger.
Serjeant Jenkins, 27th Battery.
Driver O'Brien, 135th Battery.

34th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.
Lieutenant-Colonel H. G. Sandilands.
Major H. T. Wynter (killed).
Major H. J. Mackey, M.V.O.
Lieutenant E. J. M. Robertson.
Lieutenant J. E. L. Clarke (dead).
Second Lieutenant H. W. Huggins.
Second Lieutenant A. A. M. Durand.
No. 20729 Brigade Serjeant-Major C. Stammers.
No. 21159 Farrier-Serjeant W. Cook.

36th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.
Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel C. G. Stewart, D.S.O.
Lieutenant D. R. Macdonald.
Lieutenant A. L. P. Griffith.
Second Lieutenant P. E. Inchbald.
No. 55384 Bombardier W. D. Vellers.

40th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.
Lieutenant-Colonel R. J. G. Elkington.
Major G. W. S. Brooke.
Major C. St. M. Ingham.
Captain R. A. Anstruther.
Captain E. L. Ellington.
No. Battery Serjeant-Major H. Grant..
No. 7843 Battery Serjeant-Major C. J. Newcombe.
No. 19642 Battery Serjeant-Major A. Moore.
No. 32780 Serjeant J. Clarke.
No. 29252 Driver F. Price.
No. 54409 Driver H. J. King.
No. 54412 Driver W. Dickerson.

41st Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.
Lieutenant D. D. Rose (dead).
No. 37821 Driver W. Chadwick.
No. 75031 Gunner F. Powe.
No. 57983 Driver W. Austen.

42nd Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.
Lieutenant-Colonel G. H. Geddes. Major T. Bruce.
Captain H. L. Nevill, D.S.O.
Lieutenant P. S. Myburgh.
No. 40277 Serjeant G. Mallinson.
No. 64626 Bombardier G. Langley.
No. 50646 Gunner R. Townhill.
No. 39807 Gunner W. Scott.
No. 36179 Driver F. Marshall.
No. 30695 Driver A. Amy.
No. 64472 Driver J. Nicholson.
No. 56920 Corporal J. P. Gallivan.

43rd Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.

Major E. B. Macnaghten.
Captain F. W. Robinson.
Captain R. Longstaff.
Serjeant W. Clarke.
A/Bombardier W. Whitby.
44th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.
Lieutenant-Colonel D. Arbuthnot.
Lieutenant J. P. Knight.
No. 2880 Brigade Quartermaster-Serjeant W. H. Jillard.
No. 74550 Gunner A. Belford.
No. 73867 Driver C. Kerridge.
Divisional Ammunition Column.
Captain and Adjutant H. Conies.
Captain G. M. A. Gregory.
Captain E. White.
No. 84683 Regimental Serjeant-Major R. R. W. Bell.
No. 13752 Staff Serjeant-Farrier W. Salter, Royal Garrison Artillery.
No. 14127 Quartermaster-Serjeant H. Cutbush, Divisional Ammunition Column.
No. 2108 Corporal D. Dixon, 36th Brigade Ammunition Column.
No. 1349 Gunner J. Henderson, Royal Garrison Artillery.


Franks, Brevet Colonel G. Elvin, No. 18179, Serjeant S.
48th (Heavy) Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery.
Major C. F. Phipps.
Captain J. B. Walker.
No. 20697 Serjeant Teasdale.
No. 23857 Corporal G. Smale.
No. 21074 Gunner Keeble.
No. 26448 Gunner J. Bryant.

108th (Heavy) Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery.
Major C. De Sausmarez, D.S.O.
Captain Sir F. N. Elphinstone-Dalrymple, Bt.
No. 9959 Battery Quartermaster-Serjeant W. E. Warren.

Bald, Captain P. R. Bond, Lieutenant R. I.
Bowman-Manifold, Major M. G. E., D.S.O.
Boys, Lieutenant-Colonel R. H. H., D.S.O.
Day, Captain H. E.
Dobbie, Captain W. G. S.
Doherty Howell, Captain R. V.
Evans, Captain G. F.
Flint, Lieutenant R. B.
Gandy, Captain H. G.
Grasset, Lieutenant A. E.
Hildebrand, Major A. B. R.
Howard, Major F. G., M.V.O.
Jackson, Captain and Adjutant L. C., C.M.G.
Johnston, Captain W. H.
Jordan, Captain O. L., 1st Field Squadron.
Martel, Lieutenant G. le Q.
Martin, Lieutenant C. G.
Nation, Captain J. J. H.
Naylor, Lieutenant R. F. B.
Parker, Lieutenant C. L. Y.
Pennycuick, Lieutenant J. A. C.
Powell, Captain R. M., Royal Garrison Artillery (attached).
Prickett, Captain C. H.
Pritchard, Major H. L.
Russell-Brown, Major C.
Sandys, Major E.
Singer, Major C. W.
Smyth, Lieutenant G. B. F.
Tulloch, Colonel J. A. S.
Walker, Major G.
Watson, Lieutenant J.
Webber, Captain W. N.
White, Captain J.
Wilson, Lieutenant-Colonel C. S.
Wright, Lieutenant R. G.
Wright, Captain T.

Arthur, No. 23831, Pioneer R. (killed).
Barnham, No. 2278, Company Quartermaster-Serjeant W.
Bloomfield, No. 24765, Sapper L.
Box, No. 12868, Corporal A.
Britton, No. 82, Quartermaster-Serjeant W. P.
Brocklebank, No. 28031, Corporal C. A.
Buckle, No. 4048, Serjeant J.
Bunyard, No. 24690, Sapper H. S.
Cadman, No. 28061, Corporal C. W., Motor Cyclist.
Carvell, No. 23298, Serjeant W.
Chidgey, No. 23115, Sergeant E.
Colvin, No. 13293, Serjeant F.
Cottington, No. 23962, Pioneer E.
Doney, No. 11151, Sapper E.
Dorey, No. 12068, Lance-Corporal R.
Eyres, No. 4280, Sergeant R.
Fielding, No. 23426, Pioneer R.
Gallagher, No. 2615, Serjeant H. E.
Geraghty, No. 293, Corporal J.
Goodhart, No. 28055, Serjeant E. J.
Hallett, No. 97, Corporal S. W.
Hayward, No. 9201, Serjeant W.
Hinton, No. 3160, Serjeant E. W.
Hobson, No. 20825, Corporal T. G.
Humphries, Corporal D., Motor Cyclist.
Hyne, No. 11707, Lance-Corporal R.
Jack, No. 15359, Sapper J.
Jarvis, No. 3976, Lance-Corporal C. A.
Keane, No. 21840, Sapper M. J.
Layton, No. 23971, Pioneer L.
Lewis, No. 28110, Corporal W.
Mallows, No. 1746, Sergeant H. E.
Middleton, No. 17196, Sapper S.
Moreton, No. 11913, Sapper C. W.
Morris, No. 28056, Corporal T. P.
Norrington, No. 29185, Serjeant W. F.
Paine, No. 1689, Serjeant F.
Palmer, No. 823, Co. Serjeant-Major A. G.
Pardy, No. 17760, Sapper R. W.
Portal, No. 28028, Corporal C. F. (since promoted Second Lieutenant).
Proston, No. 18094, Corporal A. J. S.
Quinlan, No. 23288, Serjeant J.
Quinney, No. 5707, Sergeant J.
Roberts, No. 28012, Serjeant A. Q.
Roberts, No. 18752, Sapper J. R.
Runyeard, No. 23324, Serjeant E. J.
Salt, No. 27863, Corporal H.
Scaife, No. 27041, Corporal T. J.
Scrutton, No. 28005, Corporal H. U.
Scrutton, No. 28046, Corporal J. A.
Smith, No. 5539, Serjeant A. E.
Sourbutts, No. 6433, Sapper A. J.
Stackard, No. 28059, Corporal S. F. C.
Steele, No. 23417, Second Corporal, W.
Taylor, No. 3948, Serjeant E. G.
Tibble, No. 372, Company Serjeant-Major G.
Todd, No. 21859 Second Corporal, C.
Trepas, No. 28149, Corporal H.
Weeks, No. 10344, Serjeant W.
Williams, No. 644 Company Serjeant-Major, M. R. G.
Winchester, No. 3959, Sapper W.
Wood, No. 2200, Serjeant J.


2nd Battalion, Grenadier Guards.
Captain A. Gosselin.
Lieutenant Hon. W. A. Cecil (killed).
Lieutenant R. W. Welby (killed). Serjeant-Major E. Ludlow.
No. 16272 Corporal F. Parsons.
No. 16212 Lance-Corporal P. McDonnell.
No. 14224 Private C. Rule.

1st Battalion, Coldstream Guards.
Lieutenant-Colonel J. Ponsonby, D.S.O.
Captain W. St. A. Warde-Aldam.
Lieutenant and Adjutant G. Campbell.
Lieutenant J. C. Wynne Finch.
No. 1395 Company Quartermaster-Serjeant J. Duggan.
No. 6901 Serjeant A. White.
No. 10118 Lance-Corporal N. Mitchell.
No. 6866 Serjeant T. Harris.
No. 9179 Corporal (temporary Serjeant) T. Fletcher.

2nd Battalion, Coldstream Guards.
Lieutenant-Colonel C. E. Pereira.
Major R. A. Markham.
Captain F. Hardy.
Captain G. B. S. Follett.
Serjeant-Major J. Clancey.
No. 1174 Company Serjeant-Major G. Link.
No. 5948 Serjeant W. Watson.
No. 4943 Lance-Corporal A. Brown.
No. 6840 Private F. W. Dodson.

3rd Battalion Coldstream Guards.
Lieutenant-Colonel G. P. T. Fielding, D.S.O.
Major T. G. Matheson.
Captain A. Tritton.
Lieutenant and Adjutant A. Smith.
Second Lieutenant C. M. Cotrell Dormer.
Lieutenant J. L. Huggan, Royal Army Medical Corps (killed).
C. S. M. Jackson.
No. 4092 Company Serjeant-Major J. Ivey.
No. 5705 Serjeant M. Marks.
Lance-Serjeant W. Small.
No. 9067 Lance-Corporal B. Prentice.
No. 7459 Private E. Godding.
No. 7388 Private E. Batey.
No. 5854 Private G. Wyatt.
No. 7525 Private A. Thomas.
No. 8527 Private H. Chiller.

1st Battalion, Scots Guards.
Lieutenant-Colonel H. C. Lowther, C.M.G., D.S.O.
Captain and Adjutant A. L. Stephen, D.S.O.
No. 3049 Company Quartermaster-Serjeant G. Blake.
No. 6302 Private D. Boyle.
Serjeant-Major T. Tate.

1st Battalion, Irish Guards.
Lieutenant-Colonel Hon. G. Morris (killed).
Major H. F. Crichton (killed).
Lieutenant Hon. H. W. Gough.
Lieutenant H. J. S. Shields, Royal Army Medical Corps.
No. 1073 Company Serjeant-Major Rodgers.
No. 733 Drill-Serjeant Winspear.
No. 2288 Serjeant A. McEnroy.
No. 1538 Corporal P. Sheridan.
No. 14400 Private J. Carney.

2nd Battalion, Royal Scots.
Lieutenant-Colonel H. McMicking, D.S.O.
Major F. J. Duncan, D.S.O.
Captain C. L. Price.
Captain R. P. Morrison.
Lieutenant G. E. Hall.
Lieutenant M. Henderson.
No. 6791 Company Quartermaster-Serjeant J. Lamond.
No. 6821 Company Quartermaster-Serjeant J. A. Carleton.
No. 3252 Serjeant-Major J. H. Martin.
No. 7672 Serjeant J. Gallagher.
No. 5877 Serjeant C. Whaley.
No. 9715 Lance-Corporal I. Voyes.

1st Battalion Royal West Surrey Regiment.
Lieutenant-Colonel D. Warren (killed).
Captain C. F. Watson, D.S.O.
Captain R. G. Clarke.
Captain F. C. Longbourne.
No. 6522 Serjeant Graham.
No. 8129 Corporal Hammond.
No. 7689 Lance-Corporal Debell.
No. 8124 Private Lawrence.
No. 8193 Private E. Austin.
No. 9998 Drummer Wise.
No. 9641 Drummer Green.

1st Battalion, Royal Lancaster Regiment.
Major R. G. Parker.
Captain C. H. Grover.
Captain W. A. T. B. Somerville.
Lieutenant T. J. Uzielli. Captain H. Clutterbuck.
No. 4649 Serjeant-Major Dakin.
No. 10876 Corporal Wright.

1st Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers.
Lieutenant-Colonel H. S. Ainslie.
Major C. Yatman, D.S.O.
Captain H. S. Toppin.
Captain W. N. Herbert.
Lieutenant G. O. Sloper.
Second Lieutenant E. F. Boyd.
Captain M. Leckie, Royal Army Medical Corps (attached).
No. 4524 Company Serjeant-Major D. Condon.
No. 8002 Serjeant A. Laws.
No. 6658 Serjeant 3. E. Fenemore.
No. 8473 Serjeant J. Squires.
No. 2558 Lance-Corporal S. Bently.
No. 3703 Private V. Gorton.

1st Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment.
Major A. J. Poole. Major W. C. Christie.
Captain C. F. Burnard. Serjeant P. Thornton.

4th Battalion, Royal Fusiliers.
Lieutenant-Colonel N. R. McMahon, D.S.O.
Major T. R. Mallock, D.S.O.
Captain L. F. Ashburner, M.V.O., D.S.O.
Captain L. W. Le M. Carey.
Lieutenant F. W. A. Steele.
Lieutenant M. J. Dease.
Lieutenant G. O'D. F. Thomas O'Donel'.
No. 5336 Serjeant-Major E. W. Tyler.
No. 5307 Company Serjeant-Major G. D. Attewell.
No. 10803 Serjeant H. Savill.
No. 4862 Serjeant M. W. Lindsay.
No. 12671 Serjeant W. F. Osborne.
No. 14558 Lance-Corporal W. Evans.
No. 15238 Lance-Corporal G. Moore.
No. 13814 Private. S. Godley.

1st Battalion, The King's (Liverpool) Regiment.
Lieutenant-Colonel W. S. Bannatyne.
Captain J. H. S. Batten.
Captain and Adjutant E. Hudson.
Lieutenant D. G. H. H. Scott-Tucker.
No. 4533 Serjeant-Major T. H. Cuddy.
No. 6915 Company Serjeant-Major M. Swannick.
No. 9485 Serjeant M. Fitznolan.
No. 8615 Lance-Corporal J. Blackburn.

2nd Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment.
Lieutenant-Colonel C. S. Davidson.
Captain M. B. Savage.
No. 6676 Private J. Littlewood.
'No. 5005 Private A. Mutlow.
No. 7470 Lance-Corporal H. Watkins.
No. 6911 Serjeant W. Gascoyne.

1st Battalion, Norfolk Regiment.
Lieutenant-Colonel C. R. Ballard.
Major H. R. Done.
Captain C. E. Luard, D.S.O
Lieutenant G. C. Lyle.
Captain T. R. Bowlby.
No. 7686 Company Serjeant-Major A. Haymes.
No. 8103 Serjeant R. Francis.
No. 7272 Serjeant C. Pryer.
No. 7130 Corporal H. Smith.
No. 7204 Private P. S. Nicholson.
No. 5221 Private H. Stevens.
No. 8566 Company Serjeant-Major W. Selves (5th Cyclist Company).
No. 8243 Serjeant Rushbrook (5th Cyclist Company).

1st Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment.
Major C. Toogood, D.S.O.
Captain F. W. Greatwood.
Captain. H. C. W. Hoskyns.
Captain R. E. Drake.
Lieutenant C. O. Holmes.
Captain G. A. Kempthorne, Royal Army Medical Corps (attached).
No. 4237 Serjeant-Major A. Stapleton.
No. 7970 Serjeant F. Davis.
No. 3881 Serjeant W. Garrett.
No. 9319 Lance-Corporal H. Barlow.
No. 9488 Lance-Corporal A. Brett.
No. 8346 Lance-Corporal S. Yorks.
No. 8200 Private E. J. Stroulger.
No. 6488 Private W. Nix.

2nd Battalion, Suffolk Regiment.
Lieutenant-Colonel C. A. H. Brett, D.S.O. (dead).
No. 2640 Serjeant-Major R. Burton.
No. 5466 Company Quartermaster-Serjeant W. Curtis.
No. 7850 Drummer L. Jones.

1st Battalion, Somerset Light Infantry.
Major C. B. Prowse.
Captain L. A. Jones-Mortimer.
Captain W. Watson.
No. 7504 Corporal F. Wilcox.

1st Battalion, Bedford Regiment.
Lieutenant-Colonel C. R. J. Griffith, D.S.O.
Captain R. J. McCloughin.
Lieutenant C. E. G. Shearman.
Lieutenant A. G. Corah (Cyclist Company).
No. 9465 Serjeant P. Hunt.
No. 9623 Serjeant R. Hawkins.
No. 7074 Corporal E. Higdon.
No. 9182 Private S. Seaman.
No. 8552 Private W. Jackson.
No. 7837 Dr. H. Chequer.

2nd Battalion, Royal Irish Regiment.
Lieutenant-Colonel St. John A. Cox.
Major E. H. E. Daniell, D.S.O.
Lieutenant F. H. L. Rushton.
No. 5637 Regimental Quartermaster-Serjeant T. W. Fitzpatrick.
No. 9058 Serjeant Boyd.
No. 3866 Serjeant-Major J. F. Plunkett.
No. 9499 Serjeant J. Burne.
No. 10494 Lance-Corporal J. Delaney.
No. 10518 Private N. Fernie.
No. 10517 Private J. Doherty.

2nd Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers.
Captain A. H. Spooner.
Major C. J. Griffin.
No. 9879 Private Wilcox.
2nd Battalion, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.
Major C. A. Wilding.
Lance-Corporal Parkinson.
Private Kelly, "B" Company.

2nd Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers.
Lieutenant-Colonel W. D. Smith.
Major A. M. H. Forbes.
Captain G. C. Briggs.
Captain J. D. Tullis.
Captain H. G. B. Miller.
Captain T. B. Train.
Lieutenant B. H. Badham.
Lieutenant C. J. Lyon.
Second Lieutenant E. L. L. Anderson.
No. 2933 Regimental Quartermaster-Serjeant R. Harrison.
No. 5523 Lance-Corporal G. Mack.

1st Battalion, Cheshire Regiment.
Lieutenant-Colonel D. C. Boger.
Captain J. L. Shore.
Captain W. S. Rich.
Lieutenant W. G. R. Elliot.
No. 7724 Company Serjeant-Major J. W. Francis.
No. 7415 Serjeant Edge.
No. 8475 Serjeant W. A. Norris.
No. Private Burns.
No. 7173 Lance-Corporal A. Smith.
No. 7085 Private F. MacCarthy.

2nd Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.
No. 7040 Private F. Jackson. No. 8998 Private E. Edwards.

1st Battalion South Wales Borderers.
Lieutenant-Colonel H. E. B. Leach.
Major W. L. Lawrence.
Captain W. O. Prichard.
Lieutenant and Adjutant C. J. Patterson.
Lieutenant J. C. Coker (killed).
No. 6271 Serjeant G. Duffy.
No. 12278 Private H. Godfrey.
No. 8787 Private H. Cudlip.

2nd Battalion, King's Own Scottish Borderers.
Lieutenant-Colonel C. N. Stephenson.
Major A. E. Haig.
Major E. S. De Coke.
Captain G. W. Smith.
Lieutenant J. R. Hamilton-Dalrymple.
No. 5177 Serjeant-Major N. MacWhinne.
No. 5163 Company Serjeant-Major R. Fuller.
No. 6474 Company Quartermaster-Serjeant Geggie.
No. 8233 Serjeant Kirkwood.
No. 8293 Serjeant P. Welsh.

1st Battalion, Scottish Rifles.
Captain T. S. Riddell-Webster.

1st Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment.
Lieutenant-Colonel A. C. Lovett.
Captain and Adjutant A. H. Radice.
Second Lieutenant W. F. Watkins (Special Reserve).
No. 5506 Company Serjeant-Major W. Hodges.
No. 9714 Drummer C. Pluck.
No. 7102 Private Law.
No. 7640 Private T. Orr.

2nd Battalion, Worcester Regiment.
Lieutenant-Colonel C. B. Westmacott. Lieutenant C. Deakin.
No. 8041 Lance-Corporal J. Davis. No. 7137 Private W. Sheldon.
No. 11095 Private E. Murrell.
No. 10733 Private W. Starting.

3rd Battalion, Worcestershire Regiment
Major W. R. Chichester.
Captain. C. V. Beresford.
Captain L. C. Dorman.
Lieutenant S. A. Gabb.
Second Lieutenant S. A. Goldsmid.
No. 5026 Company Serjeant-Major M. J Murphy.
No. 5610 Company Serjeant-Major F. Workman.
No. 5661 Company Serjeant-Major H. B. Farley.
No. 7987 Serjeant L. T. Vicarage.
No. 7829 Serjeant J. Johnson.
No. 10099 Lance-Corporal W. McNally.
No. 12133 Lance-Corporal R. Whittington.
No. 4987 Corporal J. Jewsbury.
No. 13260 Lance-Corporal J. Bingham.
No. 9065 Private W. Malone.
No. 9454 Private W. Heritage.
No. 9146 Private 3. Ware.

1st Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment.
Lieutenant-Colonel L. St. G. Le Marchant, D.S.O.
No. 9609 Corporal J. Lismore.

1st Battalion, East Surrey Regiment.
Lieutenant-Colonel J. R. Longley.
Major H. S. Tew.
Captain E. M. Wolfe Flanagan.
Captain Hon. A. R. Hewitt.
Captain M. J. Minogue.
Captain F. A. Bowring.
No. 3682 Serjeant-Major G. E. Hyson.
No. 7597 Company Quartermaster-Serjeant W. J. Woolger.
No. 7978 Serjeant R. Hunt.
No. 5845 Serjeant M. L. Hill.
No. 8049 Serjeant H. Hunt.
No. 8629 Private J. Wilkins.

1st Battalion, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry.
Lieutenant-Colonel M. N. Turner.
Major T. H. F. Price.
Major J. H. T. Cornish Bowden.
Captain C. B. Woodham.
Lieutenant A. N. Acland.
Lieutenant A. J. S. Hammans.
No. 5376 Company Serjeant-Major J. S. Woolcot.
No. 6651 Company Serjeant-Major C. Willis
No. 7973 Serjeant. L. M. Timbury.
No. 7758 Corporal A. J. Richardson.
No. 8228 Corporal W. Evans.
No. 7354 Corporal R. Stevens.

2nd Battalion, West Riding Regiment.
Lieutenant-Colonel J. A. C. Gibbs.
Major P. B. Strafford.
Major E. N. Townsend.
Major K. A. Macleod.
Captain C. O. Denman-Jubb.
Captain J. C. Burnett (O.C. Cyclist Company).
Second Lieutenant H. K. O'Kelly
No. 5540 Company Quartermaster-Serjeant E. Wiggins.
No. 9153 Corporal II. Waller.
No. 7409 Private T. Ford.
No. 7400 Private 3. Robertshaw.
No. 7392 Private E. Hammond.
No. 7777 Private H. Sanson.

2nd Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment.
Major E. W. B. Green.
Captain C. E. Bond, D.S.O.
Lieutenant V. E: C. Dashwood. No. 9157 Lance-Serjeant C. Clay.
No. 6868 Serjeant T. Diplock.
No. 10035 Private J. Still.

1st Battalion, Hampshire Regiment.
Brevet-Colonel S. C. F. Jackson, D.S.O.
Captain Hon. L. C. W. Palk.
Captain P. M. Connelan.
Lieutenant B. B. von. B. im Thurn.
No. 8805 Private J. Holloway.

1st Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment.
Lieutenant-Colonel L. J. Bols, D.S.O.
Captain H. S. Williams.
Lieutenant C. H. Woodhouse
Lieutenant C. F. M. Margetts.
No. 5622 Serjeant E. A. Hill.
No. 9246 Private T. Skipsey.
No. 9322 Private R. Gent.
No. 9226 Private W. Shoufield.
No. 9129 Private J. Iles.
No. 9032 Lance-Corporal B. Lawrence (5th Cyclist Company).

2nd Battalion South Lancashire Regiment.
Captain W. B. Ritchie.
Lieutenant L. A. Clemens.
Lieutenant B. V. Fulcher.
Lieutenant S. T. Boast (Quartermaster).
Serjeant-Major T. Roberts.
No. 7656 Serjeant W. Harrison.
No. 9263 Serjeant J. Boast.
No. 4495 Company Serjeant-Major Murphy.
No. 9170 Serjeant A. Leavers.
No. 7331 Corporal J. Jones.
No. 6749 Corporal P. McQuiggan.
No. 8265 Private S. Riddell.
No. 8639 Serjeant F. Winer.

2nd Battalion The Welsh Regiment.
Lieutenant-Colonel C. B. Morland.
Captain and Adjutant W. H. Ferrar.
Captain C. R. Berkeley, D.S.O.
Lieutenant C. A. S. Carleton.
Lieutenant G. D. Melville.
No. 7711 Company Quartermaster-Serjeant J. B. Cownie.
No. 6843 Company Serjeant-Major G. Hunter.
No. 9364 Serjeant A. Smedley.
No. 7753 Private W. Fuller.

1st Battalion Royal Highlanders.
Major J. T. C. Murray.
Captain Hon. M. C. A. Drummond.
Lieutenant and Adjutant G. Rowan-Hamilton. Lieutenant R. C. Anderson.
No. 8526 Serjeant J. Duncan.
No. 2134 Lance-Corporal A. Dewar.
No. 2009 Private J. Reilly.

2nd Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry.
Lieutenant-Colonel H. R. Davies.
Captain G. Blewitt.
No. 8111 Private W. R. Carter.
No. 8357 Private G. F. Payne.
No. 7140 Private A. Kippax.
No. 9524 Lance-Corporal H. Apsey.

2nd Battalion, Essex Regiment.
Lieutenant-Colonel F. G. Anley.
Major G. M. Tufnell.
Captain and Adjutant L. O. W. Jones.
Serjeant Purchase.
Corporal Downes.

1st Battalion Loyal North Lancashire Regiment.
Major A. Burrows.
Captain L. T. Allason.
Lieutenant E. J. W. Spread.
Lieutenant J. G. W. Hyndson.
No. 4929 Serjeant-Major W. Waterhouse.
No. 6717 Lance-Corporal F. J. Bowler.
No. 9860 Private F. Lemar.
No. 10466 Private J. Poole.
No. 7692 Drummer G. Gale.

1st Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment.
Lieutenant-Colonel E. O. Smith.
Lieutenant G. St. G. Robinson.
Lieutenant E. J. Needham.
Second Lieutenant L. H. B. Burlton.
No. 5056 Company Serjeant-Major H. F. Pitcher.
No. 8720 Serjeant F. Johnson.

1st Royal Berkshire Regiment.
Lieutenant-Colonel M. D. Graham.
Captain L. H. Birt.
Lieutenant C. St. Q. O. Fullbrook-Leggatt.
No. 9691 Private A. Ross.
No. 9420 Private E. Philps.

1st Battalion, Royal West Kent Regiment.
Lieutenant-Colonel A. Martyn.
Major M. P. Buckle, D.S.O.
Captain R. M. G. Tulloch.
Lieutenant G. B. Legard.
No. 6128 Serjeant-Major H. S. Doe.
No. 4558 Company Serjeant-Major W. Penny.
No. 8329 Serjeant J. Powell.
No. 7362 Serjeant J. Saward.
No. 8142 Lance-Corporal J. Ryan.
No. 8641 Private G. Biggs.

2nd Battalion, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry.
Lieutenant-Colonel R. C. Bond, D.S.O.
Major C. A. L. Yate.
Major H. E. Trevor.
Major C. E. Heathcote.
Captain J. E. Simpson.
Lieutenant W. de E. Williams.
Lieutenant C. E. D. King.
No. 6056 Company Serjeant-Major E. Millen.
No. 5970 Company Quartermaster-Serjeant Wall.
No. 8310 Serjeant C. J. Marchant.
No. 7839 Corporal A. Medley.
No. 9376 Lance-Corporal F. W.
No. 8314 Holmes. Lance-Corporal C.
No. 8511 Warrilow. Private H. Fendley.
No. 8682 Private H. Normanton

1st Battalion, Middlesex Regiment.
Lieutenant-Colonel B. E. Ward. Major R. J. Ross.
Lieutenant W. Jefferd.
No. 5727 Corporal J. G. Johnson.

4th Battalion, Middlesex Regiment.
Lieutenant-Colonel C. P. A. Hull.
Major H. W. E. Finch.
Captain G. Oliver.
Lieutenant L. F. Sloane-Stanley.
No. 5161 Company Serjeant-Major R. Sayers.
No. 6453 Serjeant E. E, Jackson.
No. 11821 Serjeant G. Varnham.
No. 12600 Corporal C. Tyler.

1st King's Royal Rifle Corps.
Lieutenant-Colonel E. Northey.
Lieutenant H. H. Prince Maurice of Battenberg.
Captain F. G. Willan.
Lieutenant A. L. Bonham Carter.
Second Lieutenant H. W. Butler.
Second Lieutenant A. H. Wilkie.
Second Lieutenant T. N. Hone.
Captain H. S. Ranken, Royal Army Medical Corps (attached).
No. 3177 Company Serjeant-Major F. Dickerson.
No. 385 Company Serjeant-Major C. F. Schoon.
No. 4081 Rifleman E. Revell.
No. 2912 Rifleman P. Warr (killed).

2nd Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps.
Lieutenant-Colonel E. Pearce-Serocold.
Major L. F. Phillips.
Major H. C. Warre, D.S.O.
Major R. G. Jelf.
Captain W. A. I. Kay.
Lieutenant R. J. H. Purcell.
Lieutenant J. H. S. Dimmer.
Second Lieutenant O. H. C. Balfour.
No. 1245 Company Serjeant-Major F. Dean.
No. 2538 Company Serjeant-Major Walton.
No. 9975 Corporal Chevis.
No. 6950 Rifleman Varley.
No. 3754 Rifleman Stagg.

1st Battalion, Wiltshire Regiment.
Lieutenant-Colonel A. W. Ranted.
Lieutenant T. H. Wand-Tetley.
Captain W. I. Cordon (Quartermaster).
No. 4591 Company Quartermaster-Serjeant W. G. Lister.
No. 7269 Serjeant A. Lodder.
No. 8745 Lance-Corporal C. Street.

2nd Battalion, Manchester Regiment.
Lieutenant-Colonel H. L. James.
Captain F. S. Nisbet (dead).
Captain H. Knox.
Lieutenant J. H. L. Reade.
Lieutenant J. S. Harper.
No. 6554 Company Serjeant-Major Wood.
No. 8734 Company Quartermaster-Serjeant J. Morris.
No. 9227 Serjeant Winterbottom.
No. 9350 Serjeant M. Richards.
No. 6507 Serjeant Rice.
No. 1191 Private Hodges.

2nd Battalion, Highland Light Infantry.
Lieutenant-Colonel A. A. Wolfe-Murray.
Lieutenant A. P. D. Telfer-Smollett.
Lieutenant Sir A. C. Gibson Craig, Bart. (killed).
No. 7736 Serjeant J. Nicholson.
No. 8944 Private J. Webber.
No. 9812 Private J. Campbell.
No. 9553 Private G. Wilson.

2nd Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders.
Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Evelyn Bradford, Bart.

1st Battalion, Gordon Highlanders.
Lieutenant-Colonel F. H.
No. 9255 Serjeant J. Boyce.
No. 19984 Serjeant J. Dunbar.
No. 6884 Private A. Ross.

1st Battalion Cameron Highlanders.
Lieutenant D. Cameron.
Second Lieutenant R. N. Stewart.
No. 4427 Company Serjeant-Major D. Tavendale.
No. 7638 Serjeant J. Ford.
No. 8024 Private K. Boag.
No. 6814 Private D. Hill.

2nd Battalion, Royal Irish Rifles.
Lieutenant-Colonel W. D. Bird, D.S.O.
Major C. R. Spedding, D.S.O.
Captain C. L. Master.
Captain C. M. L. Becher.
Captain H. R. Goodman.
Lieutenant S. S. Dillon.
Lieutenant V. L. S. Cowley.
Lieutenant A. N. Whitfield.
Captain S. E. Lewis, Royal Army Medical Corps (attached).
No. 7648 Serjeant E. Henry.
No. 7450 Lance-Corporal H. Murray.
No. 8651 Lance-Corporal J. Behan.
No. 9558 Private J. O'Connor.

2nd Battalion, Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Second Lieutenant W. H. Liesching.
Company Serjeant-Major E. Scrafield.
Serjeant Wilson, "C" Company.
Drummer Corrigan.

2nd Battalion, Connaught Rangers.
Lieutenant R. I. Thomas (killed).
Second Lieutenant R. L. Spreckley (killed).
Serjeant-Major W. Bluen ( ? Bruen).
No. 4967 Serjeant M. Duffy.

2nd Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.
Captain H. Hyslop.
Lieutenant R. M. G. Aytoun.
Second Lieutenant Ian McA. Stewart.
No. 5849 Company Serjeant-Major F. Walker.
No. 10077 Lance-Serjeant J. Taylor.

2nd Battalion, Royal Dublin Fusiliers.
Lieutenant T. J. Leahy.
Company Serjeant-Major
Hall. Serjeant Ray.

1st Battalion, Rifle Brigade.
Major S. H. Rickman.
Major G. N. Salmon.
Captain Hon. F. R. D. Prittie.
Captain G. J. Brownlow.
Captain Hon. R. G. G. Morgan-Grenville.
Captain H. L. Riley.
Lieutenant H. F. Campbell.
No. 29 Company Quartermaster–Serjeant Hedges.
No. 673 Serjeant Roberts.
No. 4643 Corporal J. Smith.



Bearne, Captain L. C.
Cracroft, Major H.
Dickey, Captain 0. B. R.
Gillespie, Lieutenant-Colonel E. C. F.
Harding, Captain G.
Herklots, Captain A.
Jackson, Captain R. R. B.
Johnson, Major T. P.
Langmaid, Second Lieutenant C. W. R.
Lecky, Major J. G.
Master, Lieutenant-Colonel A. G.
Martin, Second Lieutenant C. J.
Northen, Major A.
Pery-Knox-Gore, Captain A. F. G.
Stokes, Captain H. W. P.
Taylor, Lieutenant-Colonel E. F.
Toynbee, Captain G. E.
Tudor, Lieutenant C. L. St. J.
Young, Captain G. M.
Badcock, No. S/13238, Staff Serjeant-Major W.
Burke, No. T/12849 Staff Serjeant-Major M.
Castle, No. 8/24513 Corporal E. W.
Curtis, No. M/20557 Mechanic Staff-Serjeant.
Edwards, No. S.E./1120 Private C. J.
Fillmore, No. S/21665 Corporal E. H. W.
Hill, No. T/26097 Lance-Corporal R.
Hogan, No. 18046 Staff-Serjeant F. G.
Hopper, No. M/21042 Mechanic Serjeant-Major T.
Lomax, No. S/18235 Corporal.
Main, No. 23080 Lance-Corporal B.
Martin, No. T/21228 Driver S., No. 1 Cavalry Field Ambulance.
Myatt, No. S/20020 Serjeant F.
Nicholson, No. M/20832 Mechanic Serjeant¬Major B. W.
Saunders, No. S/25008 Corporal C. J.
Simmons, No. 15073 Company Serjeant-Major J.
Smith, No. M/22955 Company Serjeant-Major T
Tovell, No. 8/22454 Serjeant H.
Vickers, No. T/27823 Driver.
Walter, No. T/12027 Staff Serjeant-Major V. B.
Webster, No. 8/15548 Staff Serjeant-Major S. J.
Winser, No. 26701 Driver.



Birrell, Major E. T. F.
Bourdillon, Lieutenant L. G.
Butler, Major S. G. •
Caddell, Captain E. D.
Cowey, Major R. 'T.
Dolbey, Lieutenant R. V. Ensor, Major H., D.S.O. Fielding, Major T. E.
Foster, Major R. L. V.
Goodwin, Major T. H. J. C., D.S.O.
Grech, Major J.
Hairsine, Lieutenant C. (Special Reserve)..
Helm, Lieutenant C.
Hinge, Major H. A.
Hopkins, Lieutenant H. L. (Civil Surgeon).
Howells. Lieutenant W. M.
Lathbury, Captain E. B.
Leckie, Captain M.
Lloyd, Major O. W.
McEntire, Captain J. T.
Mitchell, Lieutenant-Colonel L. A.
Morgan, Lieutenant-Colonel J. C.
Murphy, Captain J. F. (Special Reserve).
Nimmo, Captain W. M. (attached 1st Battalion, Loyal North Lancs. Regiment).
O'Brien-Butler, Captain C. P. (attached 5th. Lancers).
Osburn, Captain A. C.
Preston, Lieutenant R. A.
Profeit, Major C. W.
Sampson, Captain F. C.
Stewart, Captain H.
Ware, Captain G. W. W.
Wyler, Lieutenant (Civil Surgeon).

Amsden, No. 16002, Serjeant H.
Anderson, No. 10434, Serjeant-Major H. J.
Bennett, No. 6630, Lance-Corporal T.
Blair, No. 17843, Staff-Serjeant A. C.
Burstall, No. 2406, Private.
Chatting, No. 2226, Corporal F. J.
Coad, No. 16396, Corporal R. H.
Coggin, No. 11141, Serjeant-Major T. E.
Cox, Serjeant-Major R. R.
Cuffley, No. 4158, Private.
Fann, No. 11874, Private H. W.
Gardiner, No. 12890, Staff-Serjeant J.
Goodwin, No. 6617, Private R. A.
Hasler, No. 10659, Serjeant-Major A. T.
Jonas, No. 12953, Lance-Corporal J.
Leech, No. 18722, Private.
Lefever, No. 19796, Corporal G. W., Army Service Corps (attached).
Lockwood, No. 1116, Serjeant J. W.
Loft, No. 10166, Serjeant-Major C. R.
Mears, No. 8722, Private R. Nicholas, No. 12485, Serjeant E.
Noble, No. 19103, Private H. G.
Nolan, No. 17349, Serjeant R. J., Army Service Corps (attached).
Pettit, No. 19236, Corporal F. F.
Plume, No. 17421, Corporal B.
Prince, No. 1305, Serjeant H. M.
Bayer, No. 11224, Staff-Serjeant A. T.
Rideout, No. 19680, Driver D., Army Service Corps (attached).
Spowage, No. 11029, Staff-Serjeant A.
Steel, No. 17568, Quartermaster-Serjeant E.
Stevens, No. 128, Private G.
Sworn, No. 7471, Private R. V.
Turner, No. 309, Private.
Walker, No. 8268; Quartermaster-Serjeant G. B.
Wass, No. 18189, Lance-Corporal.



Macauley, Captain W. I.
Oliver, Captain.
Pawlett, Captain F. W. (T.F.).
Smith, Lieutenant-Colonel W. D.
Wadley, Captain E. J.



Rev. Monsignor F. Bickerstaffe-Drew, Roman Catholic.
Rev. J. M. Connor, Presbyterian.
Rev. T. S. Goudge, Church of England.
Rev. W. Ketinge, Roman Catholic.
Rev. E. G. S. Macpherson, Church of England.
Rev. H. C. Meeke, Presbyterian.
Rev. O. S. Watkins, Wesleyan.
Reverend A. R. Yeoman, M.A., Chaplain to the Forces, Presbyterian.

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